Are you ready for that special day all about L-O-V-E? No? No problem, we’ve got just what you need. Spice up your night with some oily goodness! Are you catching our drift? Yes, oils can be used for that!
You see, oils have some amazing life-giving properties. They have a profound effect on mood and the emotions. Fragrance is the substance of memories. When you smell, it directly effects your olfactory system which is connected to the part of your brain that controls your emotions. And that, friends, is NOT a placebo effect, that's science.
Certain essential oils are also known to support the circulatory system … and by that we mean blood flow. With this in mind we can understand the logic on using some essential oils for THAT.
Spice up your night with the amazing power of plant juice with these five essential oils.
Must Have Love Oil #1 Cypress
Oh, oh! If you don’t have Cypress in your love life you need to go get it right now. This single oil stimulates blood flow and circulation in the body for both men and women. Diffuse or apply it topically (diluted!) for a little blood flow enhancing umph. Use it diluted on the inner thighs, in massage oils, in lubricants, love button lubes … you get the point. Just use it. You can thank us later.
#2 Sensation
This Young Living essential oil blend does exactly what it says. It’s uplifting and arousing aroma creates feelings of love and affection when diffused. An amazing set-the-mood diffuser blend when combined with Orange essential oil, but equally arousing when added to massage oils and lubricants. Just add it to your love potions. You won’t regret it.
#3 Idaho Blue Spruce
This oil … it’s sure to spruce things up! Think of it as nature’s little blue pill minus any unmanageable salutes. No really, we’re serious! We only have two words for this one: firmer longer. Use it diluted with coconut oil or your favorite massage oil for a little pre-game massage or apply three to five drops about 20 minutes before … then enjoy the ride. Make him a roller for cologne and try not feel frisky every time you catch a whiff. Not a fan of floral scents? Use it in the diffuser, too. How could this not be your and his new favorite oil?
#4 Goldenrod
We know what you’re thinking. Nope, this isn’t some kinky-named blend … this single oil comes from the goldenrod plant and, well, the name says it all. Goldenrod is known to improve circulation and aid the urinary tract. It’s also been shown to help with firmness in deflated … well, you know. Dilute it with carrier oil and apply it topically directly to the rod (and we don’t mean the plant) or use it diluted in an inner thigh lotion.
Goldenrod is a seasonal oil distilled in the fall. It WILL go out of stock … so get your Valentine’s Day treat before it’s gone!
#5 Nutmeg
We know what you’re thinking. You’re busy! Life is hectic! This all sounds fun, but I don’t have time for all this massaging, roller-making, oil-stroking business. Busy people rejoice, Nutmeg’s got you covered.
This is a single oil, known for its blood-pumping abilities, stimulates physical and sexual energies in men and women and may help increase circulation. It can be used for you and him, but it’s best saved for him, results enjoyed by you. Nutmeg is a vasodilator — as in, it makes blood vessels bigger — and it doesn’t take long to make it happen. Be careful, Nutmeg essential oil can be so stimulating that it can have negative effects, so don’t get crazy and lather him in the whole bottle. A few drops will do! And ALWAYS dilute before applying it to the skin. Diffuse it or apply it diluted to the inner thighs. Nutmeg Vitality can be taken internally, Lucy recommends starting with 1-2 drops diluted with olive oil in a capsule.
Want to learn more? Check out our favorite reference for all things love and oils in Lucy Libido Says.....There's an Oil for THAT: A Girlfriend's Guide to Using Essential Oils Between the Sheets
Happy Love Day!